History: ProSkan (FSCAN.EXE) has been writen by KA1LPA UnRegisted Limitations: The Unregisted version has been limited in its use. File List has been reduce to 10 per directory for the unreg version, (1000) for the Registed one. There is no save option in the FSAX portion, the Registed version contains a "T~EMP.PCX" that can be read from most PAINT programs. Your call is transmitted like so "~MYCALL" in the digital Header but is sent normally in the Registed version and can not be changed. Big Notes: If you detect problems with red bleeding pictures while operating in the SCOTTIE Modes, check the F2 Button 99% SSTV pictures in SCOTTIE modes use them with the F2 button on(lighted). When some on the freq is using a program like JVFAX or MFJ-1278,HISCAN for example you may want to turn off this button, other wise keep it on all the time. The Registed Version has 200 thumbnails print pictures that you can select from, the unregisted version only supports the 20 thumbnails.. Maynard A. Philbrook jr. 520 Pleasant St. Willimantic, CT 06226 1-(203)-456-1167 or 1-(203)-456-2521 as of this writeing Main Language Used : Turbo Pascal Version 6.0 (legal Copy); Assistance language: Turbo Assembler & Inline Assembler Symantec C++ for some support Files(legal Copys); Important Note : Please try to run the program with out the use of a Memory manager unless you are using a PC that is a very fast variety, starting from a 60 Mhz Pentium and up or if non PCI is being use then machines of 486 80Mhz/2 or faster is recogmented. This could be done simply by creating boot floppy with your minimum on it, you will need a mouse driver, and you can use HIMEM.SYS. In any case you deside you the memory manager in your system then FSCAN will detect the presence of it and notifie you that you should insure that your RRXcorrectOffset is set up to fix the Timing problems EMM386 generate.. P.S. Memory managers also cause unexplained noise dots in be present in a clean picture.. if you don't experience this while using the EMM386 or QEMM then all you need to do is just insure the CorrectRXoffset in Proskans configuration is properly set a value. 0..12 Some Specs: FOR SERIAL AUDIO : Serial Audio can be used, but the PC specker is really better, if serial audio is all that you want to use then insure that you are on a 386DX-33 or better due to speed problems.. You still may want to isolate the audio to the rig with a transformer for protection and RF problems.. TX graph will be disabled if using the Serial audio.. FOR SPEAKER AUDIO : Audio for Transmiting at this time is to be connected from the speaker source in side your PC.. Radio Shack Speaker Transformer.. To Audio Input ||(------------- to one side of PC Speaker. ------------)||( 1k Ohms Side -/\/\/\-----)||( of radio for TX ||(------------- to other side of PC Specker. 8ohm - 1k ohm is good for microphone use to reduce the output.. if you use one of the inputs on the back that requires an anverage of 0.7 VRMS then using a 1:1 transformer maybe more proper to use.. In the case of using the in 0.7 input a resister of about 47k should be placed in series from the audio transformer leading to the rear input to privent any loading of audio that effects some rigs.. if using the microphone input then the 8 ohms to 1k ohms as shown above should be used with aprox. 100k or more ohm resister inline to the microphone input to privent RF and low impedance loading. Do not ground any side of the PC speaker hook up.. how ever you can ground one side of the output of the transformer going to the audio input of your rig for TXing . TX is VoX or PTT operated. The RTS line will go high diring TX... Proscan will turn it off after the picture is complete. For Receive Refer to the PS-board.PCX File with this software.. Print was done by N1FEH using PAINT Brush+5.. If you already have an HAMCOM type Interface already Build then this should work but i would suggest looking at the PCX file any ways bacause of additional electronics that balances the Serial ports TTL lines... ProcScan has a two phase Detector & Sharpness Control that inproves the picture performance for receive, if the serial port isn't properly balanced then Settings in the right box will cause a pore picture to be received veres the left box settings. By Viewing the PCX file you can see the balance control functions and thus allowing you to implement the same in your interface if you already have one.. Using a Chip like the TLO82 is also a must for this higher level of use to insure high gain and fast slew rate to prevent random digital false tripping on the input of the serial port which would cause a eradic tone detection and poor pictures. You could modifie the curcuit slitly and just leave the clamping diodes in place of the first stage Op amp and eliminate the Balancing control and the 10meg resister, this will work fine as long as the audio signal level on the input stays to a normal valume. Firstime RUN: when runing for the First Time you need to select a Video Card to work with.. VESA64k is the first i would Pick... Example of a first time run or video card change. FAX VESA64k Note: make sure all Files with BIN in the suffix are in the same directory as FSCAN.EXE There are a couple of Direct Video Drivers for 64k & 32k modes Cir64k/Cir32k = Cirrus Logic; Tri64k/Tri32k = Trident true Color; TSG64k/TSG32k = TSG4000/W32 or better. if you have one of these cards then select these because there are mach faster divers then the VESA's The Card selection is for the SSTV modes only.. In the avent you only have a 256 SVGA you can select one of many BIN files that have a 256 number in it... Vesa256.bin tri256 = trident 256 SVGA is one of them... Cir256 = Cirrus 256 SVGA; Ts256 = Tseng4000 ect.. Par256 Note: it has been found that Video Cards with a TSG labs chip on it (ET4000 series) does not work properly in VESA modes due to the split banks for READ/Write, simply slect the TSG32k/TSG64k driver for this problem. Some of the Hurcurles cards use this chip. also it has been reported that some Speed star 64 cards use the Cirus chip, if you have one then try the Cir32k/Cir64k First Screen : Your first screen is the simple one, from there you can select FAX mode which is only a Test mode for Freq alignment for now, but works well and should be used to track one of the Wefax Stations to adjust your Systems Cystal Freq.. Tune one in on a WEfax station which can be found in many places in the HF band, 8.0780 USB is one i can think of.' If you can not find a WeFax station then find your self a WWV station and tune in on the pulse, you should be able to get evenly track pulse blocks on the FAX Rx screen while in the 60 mode.. Hit the Space bar to start RXing. if the picture slants to the left/right as it is coming down then ESC from there and go into the configuration and select option 0 to set the systems Crystal freq.. the Default for a perfect computer timer is 1193182 Mhz but i haven't seen a perfect computer yet.. if the FAX was slanting to the left on the way down then decrease the freq by 100 hz aprox... or if the picture slants to the right then increase the freq by 100 hz when you get very near tracking then adjust using smaller number fixes to fine tune it until you can receive a long portion of the fax with no slanting... This will be your master set reference through out the rest of the program.. Quick Setting the SlowScan Timing... The Quick setting isn't perfect but will get you there as a good starter, besure you have aligned the Systems Crystal with the WeFax procedure as explained above... When selecting the Configuration from the Main Menu, you wull see an option for Timer mode, currently it will be on one for normal operation, this only means normal in the since that all background timing functions use this timer. hit that option so that you will see the Mode 2 be displayed, at this time you will see another option pop up, there you can hit the Quick Set, this will use timer one references to calculate timer two references, if you see the option in there for Correcting the RX offset then this means that Proskan has detected the EMM386 or the same in function loaded, this means that you should have a value other then 0 pluged into this space, hit this option now and deside what to do, from my experience do for i have found that the faster the machine the less the offset needs to be, Qemm uses a higher offset then the Micro Soft version does. The Figure should not exceed 13... When you are in your the Slow Scan screen you can manually adjust the Slant as you are receiving a picture from an known correct source by Depressing the CONTROL+left/Right cursor keys.. The current slant for the mode selected will be displayed just to the bottom right, be sure that you are in the correct mode when making the settings, each mode has its own personel slant factor and will be saved so that each mode can be custom tuned beyond what the quick setting offer you in the systems configur for timer two mode.. if the picture slants to the left on the way down then use the CONTROL+RIGHT cursor key to move it toward the Righ, else if it slants to the right then do the opossite... Unlike JVfax after making adjustments in the SSTV mode and not in the Configuration Proskan will save your settings for each mode, so this only has to be done once for your system.. For modes like Scottie DX2 and J120 settings, you can have another user of proskan switch his Timer to mode 1 and then send you a picture, when you get yours correct while your in timer two mode then you can do the same for him.. The Timer one mode is a correct setting modes for all using the FAX station as the reference, hower since proskan is the only program that supports DX2 & J120, you need some that with Proskan to send you picture while they are in time1 mode to insure that what you are receiving is correct.. Serial Balancing: Note: if you have eliminate the Balance control then ignor this procedure, but make you are using the clamping diodes minimum, this keeps the +&- side of the square wave samples at the correct durations.. { This is very important if you want to take advantage of the upper two level sharpness controls.. Follow these instructions to the letter.. Find your self a nice steady tone or an AM station that you can tune in on using SSB to get a Tone around 1700Hz, only insert enough audio to allow the spectro graph to barly display peeks forming, this will keep the clamping diodes from taking over which would make the control reduntant when aligning, the diodes automaticly balance for medium to high level audio, the control will take care of the low level and deap fade problems.. Set the Sharpness level all the way to the right in the right box. Turn off the Comb filter.. You will most likly see two sets of Peaks forming in the graph.. Adjust the Balance control so that these peaks will converge together near as possible, if you ignor this alignment then you will get poor pictures using the upper sharpness levels. Once set you can set your sharpness back one step to the third possition for best results,this will smooth the noise... it is possible that your PC's serial port may be balanced already so first check it before adding the balance electronics to an already existing interface ( HamCOm type) What you will see in a picture of an unbalanced serial detector when using the 3 or more possition in the sharpness level would be wood grain type paterns forming.. if you insist in not doing this to balance the circut then then you may only be able to use Left Box for sharpness, this would be the same as JVfax, Mscan ect.. } Mouse problems ? If you find that the only way you can get your SSTV video to display properly when entering SSTV mode from the Main menu then update your mouse driver.. You may also get jerky movement on an bad driver.. If it appears that the pointer is there but does not move then check for and IRQ conflit between the interface and the mouse useage.. You will need a working mouse to access the small Paint mode in it. P.S. make sure you set your port address properly on the configuration of ProSkan... other wise if you see no responds from the spectro graph then this is most likly your problem if you know that you have audio going in.. Another Tech Note: I have found on some 486 Mothers boards and maybe others that if you share and IRQ with another device like an internal phone modem for example, which ever was the first device to activate this will be the on device that will have any use of the IRQ until you repower your computer, so if your phone modem doesn't work after using proskan then you know whats wrong or vise-versa.. Please report any strange adnomalys with the program... When the finale version of FSCAN.exe is completed there will be an Auto update Disk around for public access that will only work with registered users of the program, this will be accessible from the internet ect...